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Prices may change according to your flight combination and date selection. The price displayed is the total for all passengers including the fare, taxes, fees and surcharges. Additional charges may apply for flights operated by another carrier. Additional baggage fees may apply if your baggage exceeds the baggage allowance indicated on your ticket. For more information visit
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Fare per passenger
Taxes, Fees, Charges per passenger
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Total price
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First in Business
"This is the Best Airline in the World"
Pure privacy
Enhanced privacy with fully closing doors and sliding partitions.
Fully lie-flat beds
Relax in a bespoke space
Private space fully adaptable to you and your companions’ needs.
Recommended for solo travellers
Recommended for two travellers
Recommended for a group of four
On-demand à la carte menu
On-demand à la carte menu
An exquisite culinary journey on board
Signature delicacies served anytime throughout your journey, whenever it suits you
World-class dining in the sky
Gourmet vegan and vegeterian options
Experience Qsuite
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